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Why Wait Till Disaster Knocks?

Henry Omotayo

Daniel 4:1-36

Message No. 0739 | Twitter @GodandUs |

In Exodus chapters 7 to 11, God gave ample opportunities to Pharaoh king of Egypt to repent of his arrogance and headiness and recognize the lordship of the King of kings, but he refused. He sent Moses to him multiple times with a simple message; “Let my people go and worship me,” but Pharaoh refused, asking, who is God that I should let Israel go? God resorted to plagues, gradually releasing them, to show who He is, but Pharaoh called his magicians to repeat many of the plagues, to prove that he was just as powerful as the almighty God. The ultra-patient God deployed 9 plagues to warn him, but he wouldn’t budge, until He was fed up and decided to show him whom He is. Until the firstborn of human and animals, including Pharaoh’s own son, died, he flexed his power. When his son died, he begged Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, which he refused to reveal to his so-called wise men but demanded them to tell him the dream and also interpret it. When none of them could do what the king demanded, he threatened to have them all killed, until Daniel came to their rescue. After revealing the dream and the interpretation, Nebuchadnezzar fell down and worshipped Daniel, and declared the lordship of God. Then, in chapter 3, the king built an image of gold and demanded that all citizens and residents bow down to it, in other words, he had simply forgotten the God who revealed his dreams and interpreted it in chapter 2. When his fiery furnace could not burn the three Hebrew boys, he again declared that the God of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, was the only true God.

With the two encounters that the king of Babylon had with the true God, how did it make sense that he still thought that he was in charge of everything? In chapter 4, the king had another dream, for which he called Daniel, having now known that he alone could interpret his dreams. His dream was terrible, and the interpretation was frightful. Daniel began the interpretation by saying that he wished the dream were about the king’s enemies. After interpreting the dream, Daniel advised the king to renounce his sins by doing what was right, and to renounce his wickedness by being kind to the oppressed.  Daniel’s recommendation fell on deaf ears.

Finally, 12 months after his dream was interpreted and as the king still didn’t get the point, in verses 30 – 33, God acted. The king was walking on the roof of his royal palace, then his heart became hungry for arrogance, and he said:

“Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.” Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.

The question one might ask is, why do people wait until this point before acknowledging that the almighty God reigns, and has the power to do and undo, to raise people up and to dethrone them, and to be gracious to the humble and to resist the proud? Why do people always believe that their powers and wisdom and hard work were responsible for placing them in the positions they are? Why do people believe that they are better than everyone else, and above everyone, and can issue commands and demand adherence? Why do people think that they are superhumans and expect everyone to bow down to them and worship them? Even after several warnings, why do people refuse to repent, believing that nothing can happen to them?

If you are in privileged positions like kings Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, and are making the same mistakes that they made, would you please assess your situation and repent? Would you please give all the glory to the almighty God for who He is? Would you not rather surrender to the God who can destroy both the body and the soul? Why would anyone wait until it’s too late? How does it make sense to wait until disaster knocks at the door? Wouldn’t you rather yield this very moment? The examples we see in the Bible are for our learning and corrections. Have you learned anything yet?


If you are yet to give your life to Christ, you do not have a covenant with God and His promises do not apply to you. To come under these promises, please surrender your life to Christ today, by praying this prayer:

Lord I know that I am a sinner and I am unable to save myself. I am sorry for my sins and I pray that you please forgive me. I am aware that Your Son Jesus died for my sins and I accept Him as my Lord and savior. I surrender my life unto you from this moment. Please take control of my entire being and help me to be obedient to your Word, going forward. Thank you, Lord, for hearing me. I have prayed in Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you prayed the foregoing prayer, you have just been born again. Please find a Bible believing church in your area and ask to see the pastor. Let him or her know that you have just given your life to Christ and s/he will guide you on next steps in your journey as a child of God. The Lord bless you!


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